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I min søgen efter forskellige hårfarver til asiatisk hår fandt jeg denne hjemmeside med "
Asian Hair Facts". Det er jo en sand videnskab at have en hårpragt som min! Nogle facts vidste jeg godt, andre fik mig til at smile og andre var en a-ha-oplevelse. En forhåbentlig problemknuser til mine "bad hair days".
What makes Asian hair different?
Asian hair has four main characteristics that makes it unique.
1. Asian hair tends to absorb and retain moisture better.
2. Asian hair are usually coarser and heavier.
3. Asian hair is naturally straight.
4. Asian hair tends to be very dark.
The Asian hair advantage!
Asian hair tends to be really shiny because of its ability to retain moisture.
The natural straightness of Asian hair allows young Asian men to spike it fairly easy and retain their spikes for a longer duration. For most people hair dye will severely damage hair, leaving it fragile and feeling dry. Since Asian hair tends to retain moisture well, even when dyed, hair will still retain most of its shine. However, if you are one of the unlucky ones, you may want to try Opal Hair Oil treatment–a highly recommended product that restores oil in hair fairly quickly.
The Asian hair disadvantage!
Asian hair tends to be dark–because of this it can be hard to see texture even when styled. We can counter this by dyeing or highlighting our hair to accent the texture. Other hair products such as matte hair products will also help articulate the hair’s texture. The use of gel, mousse or any shiny hair products is not recommended for Asian hairstyles.
The heaviness of Asian hair could become a big problem for many. It is difficult to give hair volume without falling flat quickly. This can be fixed by washing the oil out of your hair and blow drying, in effect it will lighten your hair. For those who have semi curly hair, you may want to try to use a hair straightener as well. To ensure that your hair stays standing, you should also try to put a small amount of hair product on the roots of your hair.
How to maintain Asian hair?
1. Wash your hair once every two days.
2. Choose a shampoo with a PH level of 5.0 -6.0
3. Use conditioner to retain that great hair shine.
4. ALWAYS remove hair product before sleeping.
What hair color?
1. It is recommended by my stylist to use relatively orange, red, or chestnut-toned colors to retain a natural feel to hair.
2. If you are an adventurist, you may try to add various color highlights as well, such as bright red or blue.